Condolences to the family and friends of Michl Silice-Feldenkrais

Dienstag, 12. Mai 2009
We are sad to tell you of the passing of Michl Silice-Feldenkrais

Condolences to the family and friends of Michl Silice-Feldenkrais

Dear colleagues,

We are sad to tell you of the passing of Michl Silice-Feldenkrais last week.

We sent these words with our colleague Moti Nativ to express our deep shock and sadness at the passing of our colleague and friend of the Feldenkrais community.

Few people have been more passionate in their commitment to ensuring the legacy of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais than his nephew Michl.

Michl continued to run the Feldenkrais Institute in Tel Aviv until a few years ago. He organized training programs in the Feldenkrais Method, so that more people could continue his uncle’s legacy. His greatest contribution to that legacy was his huge work to ensure that Dr. Feldenkrais writings and teachings stayed in print and that many other materials were preserved and archived. Also, many new, important teachings have became available due to Michl’s efforts. The International Feldenkrais Federation is proud to be Michl’s partner in many of these efforts.

Michl ably represented the Feldenkrais Family in our Federation, providing continuity between Moshe’s family heirs and the professional community that is heir to the Feldenkrais legacy.

Michl was a practitioner; a colleague; a friend to many of us. We will miss him.

We send our deepest condolences to his wife, Zipporah, his sons Eyal and David, his sister Areille Silice, the rest of his family, his friends and our Feldenkrais colleagues in Israel.


Jenni Evans – President, International Feldenkrais Federation, on behalf of the international Feldenkrais community.